WASHINGTON—A new association to address the scientific and technical issues affecting society will be formed next month.
The National Association for Science, Technology and Society will hold its first meeting during the Third National STS Conference on Technological Literacy February 5-7 in Arlington, Va. More than 1,000 scientists, educators and others are expected to gather to hear such speakers as William Baker, former chairman of Bell Labs; Rep. Robert Roe (1)- N.J.), chairman of the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology; Faye Wattleton, president of Planned Parenthood; Jerry Brown, former governor of California; Jeremy Rifkin, president of the Foundation on Economic Trends; and Jacques Ellul, author and social commentator.
“Our goal is to create an identity within the scientific community that makes it perfectly respectable to be an STS professional,” explained Rustum Roy, director of the STS program at Pennsylvania State University, conference chair and a prime mover behind ...