The World Health Organization announced today (June 30) that China has been certified as malaria-free. Within the WHO’s Western Pacific Region, only three other countries have been designated as malaria-free, and the last time this happened was in 1987, when Brunei was declared rid of the parasitic disease. China’s certification brings the worldwide count of countries designated as malaria-free up to 40.
Although China hasn’t reported a malaria case since 2017, WHO only grants the malaria-free certification when a country can thoroughly show that domestic malaria transmission has been stopped for at least three consecutive years. The country also must have a plan in place to mitigate any reintroduction of malaria. This is especially important for China, as its southwestern Yunnan Province borders three countries where malaria is still endemic. Ultimately, the WHO director-general makes the final decision as to which countries receive the certification.
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