In an effort to capture more data on the treatment of AIDS patients, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) will make $6 million available to community-based physicians via a new project, called the Community Programs for Clinical Research on AIDS. The aim is to broaden the statistical basis for research on the disease by providing researchers, statisticians, and computer services to primary-care physicians who are now treating AIDS patients and others infected with HIV, with a special effort to fund doctors working with blacks and Hispanics, who are disproportionately infected with the virus. The program also is expected to allow a larger number of AIDS patients to participate in clinical drug trials. NIAID will begin taking proposals in January. (Contact Brenda Valdez, NIAID AIDS program 301-496-7116.)
The National Audubon Society, pleased with last year’s experiment in providing grants for ecological and environmental policy research, is now accepting ...