Re: Bob Grant’s article about worm therapy for autoimmune disease:[1. Bob Grant, “Opening a Can of Worms,” The Scientist, 25:42-47, February 2011.] A minireview by Hanada et al., (Biol Chem, 391:1365-70, 2010) of the RANKL/RANK system involving T-cell membrane protein ligands and ligand targets in various tissues, including specific neural and astroglial terrains in the brain, may provide additional support to the findings that inflammatory responses could play a role in autism.
Mel Winestock
ABD Laboratories
Oceanside, CA
Re: Your article about sustainable farming:[2. Vanessa Schipani, “Alternative Agriculture,” The Scientist, 25:60-62, February 2011.] In South Africa, where the free market adoption of genetically modified (GM) maize has risen to about 80 percent of the total hectarage grown, and even more for cotton, the crops ...