The Department of Energy and the University of California have gone on the offensive to head off an effort by antinuclear activists to end a 45-year relationship between the state university and the nation's nuclear weapons laboratories. DOE, in an attempt to appease university faculty who are unhappy with the labs, has added $5 million to the system's current five-year contract to operate Lawrence Livermore and Los Alamos national labs, with the money going to non-nuclear research and a campus-based program in peace studies. And the UC system, under pressure from the state legislature, is getting ready to appoint three overseers from among a pool of current and past lab employees to watch for flawed or distorted research. UC officials hope the moves will placate critics and convince the university's Board of Regents, which must decide next year, to continue UC oversight of the labs. But opponents say the moves ...
National Lab Briefs
The Department of Energy and the University of California have gone on the offensive to head off an effort by antinuclear activists to end a 45-year relationship between the state university and the nation's nuclear weapons laboratories. DOE, in an attempt to appease university faculty who are unhappy with the labs, has added $5 million to the system's current five-year contract to operate Lawrence Livermore and Los Alamos national labs, with the money going to non-nuclear research and a campu