Several types of storage reservoirs for liquid handling systems are now available from Omnifit. Clear, amber, and plastic-coated styles provide the user with flexibility. The plastic-coated bottles resist UV penetration and are designed to contain fragments in the event of breakage. The reservoirs have volumetric markings to indicate the amount of solvent remaining and are supplied with a three-way cap that forms an inert container.
OmnifitToms River, NJ
Circle No. 103 on Reader Service Card
Four new Cytokine ELISA Kits have been added to Genzyme's line of cytokine research products. The Predicta IL-10 ELISA Kit is designed for rapid, accurate measurement of human IL-10 in serum, plasma, and cell-culture supernatants. Three new mouse ELISA kits--IL-4, IL-6, and IL-10--provide precise cytokine measurement in serum and cell-culture supernatants within three hours.
Genzyme Corp. Cambridge, MA
Circle No. 104 on Reader Service Card
The new Mini AutoBlot Hy-bridization Oven, with its small footprint, ...