HORIBA Scientific (HORIBA), a global leader in ICP systems, is proud to announce the launch of their new ULTIMA Expert ICP-OES Spectrometer. The ULTIMA Expert combines ease of use, a unique plasma torch design, comprehensive tools, highest resolution, lowest detection limits and full wavelength coverage optics for the most challenging applications.
ULTIMA Expert is designed with a unique plasma torch that offers a radial viewing mode far superior to competitive systems, thanks to the measurement of the entire normal analytical zone. The vertical torch, the original sheath gas device and the wide injector make the ULTIMA Expert more tolerant to difficult matrices, and offer the benefits of robust operation with minimal maintenance.
High resolution and excellent sensitivity allow elements with high, low and trace concentrations to be measured accurately. ULTIMA Expert delivers the highest resolution with less than 5 picometers for the UV range and less than 10 picometers for ...