Alan Turing, commonly referred to as the father of computer science and artificial intelligence, was born 100 years ago this month. SCIENCE SOURCE
Computer scientist Alan Turing, describing his vision for the future of artificial intelligence in a 1950 Mind paper, “Computing machinery and intelligence”
—Michael Gazzaniga, in a Charlie Rose interview about his new book Who’s in Charge? Free Will and the Science of the Brain (Apr. 17, 2012)
—Tea Party-backed Indiana Treasurer Richard Mourdock, who defeated longtime US Senator Richard Lugar, Republican, in a May primary election (Scientific American, May 7, 2012)
—Harvard evolutionary biologist E.O. Wilson, talking with Slate about altruism and enlightenment (Apr. 30, 2012)
—MIT biological engineer Edward F. DeLong, in a Science commentary, “Microbial Evolution in the Wild,” (Apr. 27, 2012)
—From a post by philosopher Michael Ruse in The Philosophy Magazine’s blog “Talking Philosophy” (Jan. 4, 2012)