Four study participants in t shirts and shorts sit around a table in a stainless steel chamber. All four are looking at personal electronics and wearing a breathing mask connected to a nearby machine via blue tubing.
A New Culprit in Air Pollution: Reactions Triggered by Human Skin
Oil on human skin reacts with ozone to produce highly reactive radicals that can generate toxic airborne chemicals in indoor spaces.
A New Culprit in Air Pollution: Reactions Triggered by Human Skin
A New Culprit in Air Pollution: Reactions Triggered by Human Skin

Oil on human skin reacts with ozone to produce highly reactive radicals that can generate toxic airborne chemicals in indoor spaces.

Oil on human skin reacts with ozone to produce highly reactive radicals that can generate toxic airborne chemicals in indoor spaces.

free radicals

A European robin on a tree branch
New Study Fuels Debate About Source of Birds’ Magnetic Sense
Catherine Offord | Jun 23, 2021 | 7 min read
A detailed analysis of cryptochrome 4 shows that the protein is highly sensitive to magnetic fields in vitro, but some researchers dispute the authors’ assertion that the findings could help explain avian magnetoreception.
canary health technologies breath test sensor covid-19 coronavirus diagnostic free radical sars-cov-2 exhale signature vocs
In South Africa, COVID-19 Breath Test Trial Set for June
Munyaradzi Makoni | Jun 15, 2020 | 4 min read
If proven successful, the five-minute test could be a good temporary indicator before a confirmatory PCR test.
Antioxidants May Aid Cancer
Kerry Grens | Oct 16, 2015 | 2 min read
Mice given a dietary supplement had faster-progressing melanoma, a study shows.
Predicting Worm Lifespan
Jef Akst | Feb 13, 2014 | 1 min read
Scientists engineer fluorescing nematodes to project the worms’ expected lifespans through flashes of light at just three days old.
Radical Reversal
Megan Scudellari | Jul 6, 2011 | 3 min read
Free radicals, widely believed to promote cancer, may actually slow tumor growth.