Adult-Born Neurons Strengthen Memories While Mice Sleep
Adult-Born Neurons Strengthen Memories While Mice Sleep
The activation of young brain cells in adult mice is necessary not just for forming memories, but consolidating them during rapid eye movement sleep, a study shows.
Adult-Born Neurons Strengthen Memories While Mice Sleep
Adult-Born Neurons Strengthen Memories While Mice Sleep

The activation of young brain cells in adult mice is necessary not just for forming memories, but consolidating them during rapid eye movement sleep, a study shows.

The activation of young brain cells in adult mice is necessary not just for forming memories, but consolidating them during rapid eye movement sleep, a study shows.


Deep Brain Optogenetic Control Without Implants
Ruth Williams | Apr 30, 2020 | 3 min read
Engineering an ultra-sensitive light-activated ion channel into brain cells allows for the control of neurons in live animals without a brain-implanted light source.
Facial Expressions Decoded in Mice
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A combination of videography, machine learning, and brain imaging has identified facial expressions and neural activity patterns in mice that are associated with their emotions.
smartphone controlled device implanted in mouse brain
Image of the Day: Smartphone-Controlled Brains
Nicoletta Lanese | Aug 7, 2019 | 1 min read
A device implanted into mice can modulate brain circuit activity over long periods of time.
Thirst and Drinking Spark Widespread Activity in the Mouse Brain
Ruth Williams | Apr 4, 2019 | 3 min read
Researchers have recorded tens of thousands of brain cells in mice as the animals transitioned from feeling thirsty to quenched.
Reversing Cocaine’s Effects with Light
Ruth Williams | Dec 7, 2011 | 3 min read
Researchers use optogenetics to reverse drug-induced brain and behavioral changes.