NGS DreamPrep™ is a full walkaway solution that combines the Tecan Fluent® liquid handler and Infinite® plate reader, together with Celero™ DNA-Seq and Universal Plus mRNA-Seq library preparation kits – an optimized solution that brings significant improvements in speed, flexibility, accuracy and precision.

NGS experiments are time-consuming, expensive and generate vast quantities of data. This makes it particularly important that they are based on high-quality libraries that will yield valuable results. With NGS DreamPrep™, quantification, normalization and pooling of samples can all be achieved in significantly shorter timelines compared to other methods that use qPCR or capillary electrophoresis. Importantly, this is the first library preparation method to incorporate a QC step, which takes just five minutes, ensuring the generation of highly reproducible libraries that are ready to sequence.

Dr Klaus Lun, Executive Vice President Head of the Life Sciences Business Division, Tecan said: "Next-generation sequencing continues to revolutionize genomic research....

NGS DreamPrep™ brings together Tecan’s technical expertise in chemistry and protocol development together with unsurpassed engineering know-how of automation and detection instrumentation to ensure an optimized approach. All elements have been designed to work hand-in-hand and researchers benefit from having a single contact point plus dedicated Tecan application support.

The Tecan Group acquired US-based NuGEN Technologies, Inc., now named Tecan Genomics, in August 2018 to further expand Tecan's dedicated solutions offering into the new market segment of NGS reagents and kits, making the company the one-stop-shop for genomic sample preparation solutions. The Celero™ DNA-Seq and Universal Plus mRNA-Seq kits are the first of the company’s NGS kits to be available for the NGS DreamPrep™.

Tecan’s experts will be demonstrating the new NGS DreamPrep on booth 825 at SLAS2019. For further information on the system,

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