WIKIMEDIA, NEPHRONAlleged inconsistencies and data falsification have led to the retraction of two papers on colon cancer biomarkers, according to Retraction Watch. These papers are the third and fourth yanked from the literature for the research group, formerly at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine.
One of the papers, on new biomarkers for colorectal cancer, was pulled from the March 1, 2008, issue of Clinical Cancer Research, after being cited 21 times, according to ISI. “The authors feel that the inconsistencies in the data collection and recordation warrant retraction of the article,” the coauthors of the paper wrote in the retraction notice. “Five of the 6 authors of the original article agreed to this Retraction,” they noted. “Attempts on the part of the journal office to contact the first author, Eddy S. Leman, were unsuccessful.”
Leman was also lead author on the second paper, published in the June 15, 2007, issue of Cancer Research and cited 31 times, according to ISI. That paper, on other novel colorectal cancer biomarkers, was ...