An Oxitec mosquito release box
Update (April 19, 2022): Oxitec presented results from their open-air Florida mosquito trial in a webinar on April 6. The trial went as expected, the firm reports, with all females that inherited the engineered gene dying before reaching adulthood, and the gene itself disappearing from the population after a few generations of mosquitoes. However, Nature notes that the trail was not designed for population suppression or quantifying public health impacts, so further trials are needed to determine if releases can have an impact on vector-borne diseases.
Update (March 10, 2022): The US Environmental Protection Agency extended Oxitec’s Experimental Use Permit for two years to allow the company to deploy additional genetically modified Aedes aegypti mosquitoes in Florida, as well as in four counties in California, where the mosquitoes have yet to be released. All together, the permit allows for up to 2.45 billion mosquitoes ...