For the past 2 years, prominent neuroscientist Milena Penkowa formerly of the University of Copenhagen has been hit with a slew of allegations—about both her research and business practices.
In early 2010, Penkowa, who became well known in the late 1990s and early 2000s for her work on animal models of multiple sclerosis, was suspended from the University of Copenhagen following accusations of embezzlement from a Danish neuroscience society. She was then accused of research misconduct. An investigation by the Danish Committee on Scientific Dishonesty (DCSD), the Dutch equivalent of the Office of Research Integrity, is still underway, with an official conclusion later this month, Nature reported. In the meantime, an international committee, assembled by the University of Copenhagen in February 2011 and tasked with reviewing Penkowa’s entire career, has found evidence that she likely falsified data in as many as 15 papers, fudging the number of animals used and ...