The marches are partly inspired by April’s March for Science, which saw protesters stage demonstrations around the world.WIKIMEDIA, BECKER1999
Scientists are preparing for demonstrations in more than 30 cities across India on Wednesday (August 9). The protests, seen as a follow-up to global March for Science demonstrations that took place on April 22, will aim to draw attention to funding shortages and anti-science sentiment, organizers say.
“Science in India is facing the danger of being eclipsed by a rising wave of unscientific beliefs and religious bigotry, and scientific research is suffering serious setback due to dwindling governmental support,” reads a statement from the Indian non-profit Breakthrough Science Society, which is helping organize the marches. “We appeal to scientists, researchers, teachers, students, as well as all concerned citizens to organize ‘India March for Science’ events throughout the country.”
Among protesters’ demands is a call to ...