—Mr. Spock, science officer aboard the starship Enterprise, first portrayed by Leonard Nimoy, who died on February 27 (First Frontier, Star Trek, Book 75, 1995)
—Outgoing National Cancer Institute Director, Harold Varmus, in his resignation letter (March 4)
—Australian National University researcher Emily Banks, lead author on a BMC Medicine paper reporting that 67 percent of smokers died from smoking-related illness and that the habit increased the risk for at least 13 types of cancer (The Washington Post, February 26)
—Idan Frumin et al., researchers at Israel’s Weizmann Institute of Science, in a recently published eLife paper that suggests that people unconsciously smell their fingers after shaking hands with someone of the same sex (March 3)
—Missy Shatley, 38-year-old Prairie Farm, Wisconsin, mother, speaking about ...