—Retired British physicist Peter Higgs, for whom the elusive Higgs boson was named, after the announcement on July 4 that researchers at the Large Hadron Collider near Geneva, Switzerland, had collected data pointing to the existence of the particle he had theorized decades ago (July 9, 2012)
—Steven Hyman, a neuroscientist at the Broad Institute in Cambridge, Massachusetts, differentiating between the hunt for the Higgs boson and similarly fundamental discoveries in the biological sciences (Nature, Mar. 28, 2012)
—Artist Michael Heizer, referring to “Levitated Mass,” his installation piece consisting of a 340-ton granite boulder resting above a 456-foot-long groove carved in the north lawn of the Los Angeles County Museum of Art. The exhibition opened at the end of June. (Reuters, June 24, 2012)
—Harvard University evolutionary biologist Edward O. Wilson, in his recently published book, The Social Conquest of Earth (2012)
—Newly elected Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi, who won ...