This is all beyond stupid. Putin doesn’t have a vaccine, he’s just making a political statement.
Right now, science is being discredited and we have alternative “facts,” including around treatments and what you need to do, so bringing science to Congress is important to maintain science and facts.
6. Latin for “rainstorm” or “storm cloud”
8. Circular sea formations studied by Darwin
9. Rate of flow per unit area
10. Gear for underwater exploration
11. Thalassic deity
13. Piscatorial equipment
14. Pinniped
15. Heron relatives in reeds and marshes
17. Midpoint between high and low water (2 wds.)
18. Sea on one side of the Crimean Peninsula
20. Aggregate of cells studied in histology
21. Depression over an oceanic subduction zone
1. Organ of respiration2. Block, Easter, or Christmas3. What Titan and Rhea orbit4. Aquatic invertebrate with tentacles, such as 7-Down5. Floating collection of algae and protozoa7. Squarish cnidarian such as a sea wasp (2 wds.)12. Like Ralph Vaughan Williams’s Riders ...