FREE Webinar
Thursday, July 22, 2021
2:30 - 3:30 PM Eastern Time
Researchers have used immunohistochemistry (IHC) for decades, and the technique has continually evolved alongside technological and scientific advances. Even now, scientists constantly modify and develop IHC protocols to better answer modern questions and challenges. Large numbers of IHC protocols currently exist, some of which are very similar to one another, making IHC potentially confusing and difficult to troubleshoot for newcomers.
This Technique Talk will explore the science behind IHC technology and highlight how it has developed over time. Steven Hrycaj will talk about protocol development, optimization, and troubleshooting, and how sample properties impact protocol decisions. Finally, he will discuss how automation technology has changed IHC, comparing and contrasting automated and manual in situ hybridization protocols and applications.
Meet the Instructor:
Steven M. Hrycaj, PhD Clinical Assistant ProfessorTechnical Director, Immunohistochemistry (IHC) LaboratoryDepartment of PathologyMichigan MedicineUniversity ...