
Stress Fractures
Capsule Reviews

Capsule Reviews
Does Altruism Exist?, Ancestors in Our Genome, Fred Sanger—Double Nobel Laureate, and Stiffs, Skulls & Skeletons

Meet some of the people featured in the January 2015 issue of The Scientist.

Performance Art
Regulation of genome expression orchestrates the behavior of insect castes and the human response to social stress.
Speaking of Science

Speaking of Science
January 2015's selection of notable quotes
Freeze Frame

Caught on Camera
Selected Images of the Day from www.the-scientist.com

May the Best Rodent Win
Are mice, considered by some to be the less intelligent rodent, edging out rats as laboratory models of decision making?

There’s CRISPR in Your Yogurt
We’ve all been eating food enhanced by the genome-editing tool for years.

Micro Master
Thomas Deerinck has been at the helm of a microscope for more than four decades. And he’s got lots to show for it, including a half a dozen placements in the Nikon Small World competition.

Taming Bushmeat
Chinese farmers’ efforts at rearing wild animals may benefit conservation and reduce human health risks.
Modus Operandi

Grab ’n’ Glow
Engineered proteins can tether multiple fluorescent molecules to give a brighter signal—and that’s not all.
The Literature

Straighten Out
Forces from bidirectional growth plates mechanically realign broken bones in infant mice.

Tangle Trigger
An enzyme that cleaves tau protein in acidic cellular conditions may trigger early events in Alzheimer’s disease.

Fertility Treatment Fallout
Mouse offspring conceived by in vitro fertilization are metabolically different from naturally conceived mice.

Why, Oh Y?
A toothpick and a bit of chance shaped David Page’s career, which he has dedicated to understanding the mammalian Y chromosome and fetal germ cell development.
Scientist to Watch

Doris Bachtrog: Sex Chromosome Wrangler
Associate Professor, Department of Integrative Biology, University of California, Berkeley. Age: 39

The Sex Parts of Plants, 1736
Carl Linnaeus’s plant classification system was doomed, and he knew it.
Critic at Large

Assessing Research Productivity
A new way of evaluating academics’ research output using easily obtained data
Online First

Funding Research in Africa
The ongoing Ebola epidemic in West Africa is drawing more money to study the virus, but what about funding for African science in general?

Know Your PIO
Scientists and public information officers share several common goals. Here’s how to collaborate effectively.
Reading Frames

Innovation Renovation
Is the fear of funding and doing fundamental, risky research killing our ability to make breakthroughs?
Lab Tools

Picturing Infection
Whole-animal, light-based imaging of infected small mammals

Eye on the Fly
Automating Drosophila behavior screens gives researchers a break from tedious observation, and enables higher-throughput, more-quantitative experiments than ever before.
Cover Story

The Genetics of Society
Researchers aim to unravel the molecular mechanisms by which a single genotype gives rise to diverse castes in eusocial organisms.