FREE Webinar
Wednesday, September 16, 2020
2:30 - 4:00 PM, Eastern Standard Time
The body’s first line of defense against cancer is the immune system. Yet many tumors evade the immune system and even recruit key immune cells to aid in tumor development. In this webinar brought to you by The Scientist and sponsored by 10x Genomics, Chuanhui Han will discuss how cancer avoids immune system attack after radiation treatment, and Vineet Gupta will explore how cancer tricks immune myeloid cells into promoting tumor growth. The speakers will also review therapeutic approaches for preventing cancer’s manipulation of the immune system.
Topics to be covered
- Caspases: The mystery of radiation
- Integrin activation as a novel therapeutic strategy against cancer
Meet the Speakers:
Chuanhui Han, PhD
Postdoctoral Researcher
Laboratory of Yang-Xin Fu, MD, PhD
UT Southwestern Medical Center
Vineet Gupta, PhD
The Charles Arthur Weaver Chair of Cancer...