MOHAMED A. F. NOOR: Earl D. McLean Professor & Associate Chair, Department of Biology, Duke University DUKE UNIVERSITY, CHRIS HILDRETH
Mohamed Noor wasn’t a stellar student at the College of William and Mary in Virginia—until he enrolled in his first genetics class. “I actually put off taking genetics until junior year because people talked about how hard it was,” says Noor. “Then I took it, and I was shocked that it wasn’t hard at all. It was interesting.”
Uncharacteristically, Noor aced genetics, and asked his academic advisor if he should take evolutionary genetics next. “He said, ‘Maybe you should take a class more consistent with your ability. That one’s kind of challenging.’ ” Luckily for evolutionists everywhere, Noor ignored the advice. He enrolled in the class—and spent the whole semester sitting in the front row, recording every lecture and replaying them for himself at the ...